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What Is Moxa?

Moxa is traditionally made from the dried leafy plant mugwort that usually has a pleasant aroma. It can be made into sticks of various sizes or mixed with other herbs to enhance the benefits. Sometimes, practitioners will choose to apply loose moxa with a burner as well.
Moxa has been used in traditional ancient Chinese medicine for thousands of years. While its benefits still require a lot more research, moxa has been shown to help fight serious diseases and maladies, from cancer to joint pain.

​Why Use Moxibustion?

  • Moxibustion invigorates blood and promotes flow of Qi. It is often used for the flowing conditions:

  • Pain (shoulder pain, abdominal pain, knee pain, joint pain, etc,) due to accumulation of cold and dampness in the body that causes pain. Moxa heat can expel cold and dry dampness, which helps relieve pain.

  • Chronic diarrhea caused by deficiency. This is because moxa warms up the meridian and strengthens the digestive system, which helps improve diarrhea condition.

  • Organ prolapse (bladder, uterus, etc.) due to Qi deficiency since moxa promotes Qiand raises prolapsed organs.

  • Overall wellness in health. Moxa tonifies Yuan Qi (prenatal Qi) and strengthens the immune system, which reduces risk of illnesses and extends life.

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